


1. Yang Han, Jiarui Yu, Xinyue Fan, Changwei Li, Zhongqiu Cao*, Yan Wang, Ke Zhang and Shigang Xin. Oxidation behavior of Ag-20Cu-30Cr alloy prepared by powder metallurgy method in 0.1 MPa pure O2 at 700 and 800Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2021, 30(12): 9209-9214.

2. Zhongqiu Cao*, Xiaotong Yin, Zhongqiu Jia, Qiuyue Tian, Jie Lu, Ke Zhang and Yan Wang. Corrosion behavior of bulk two-phase Ag-25Cu alloys with different microstructures in NaCl aqueous solution. Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2019, 29: 1495-1502.

3. Zhongqiu Cao*, Long Yu, Ying Shen and Zhongqiu Jia. Influence of Al addition on oxidation behavior of Cu-Ni-Cr alloys at 973-1073 K in 1.01×102 kPa pure oxygen. Oxidation of Metals, 2017, 88: 397-407.

4. Zhongqiu Cao*, Changwei Li, Zhongqiu Jia and Yan Wang. High temperature corrosion of nanocrystalline three-phase Cu-20Ag-20Cr bulk alloy. Corrosion Science, 2016, 110: 167-172.

5. Zhongqiu Cao*, Hongjin Sun, Jie Lu, Ke Zhang and Yue Sun. High temperature corrosion behavior of Cu-20Co-30Cr alloys with different grain size. Corrosion Science, 2014, 80: 184-190.

6. 徐欢,于佳蕊, 曹中秋*, 王艳, 张轲. 钴基催化剂催化NaBH4制氢研究进展. 材料导报, 2022, 36(5): 126-136.

7. 范馨月, 于佳蕊, 崔田路, 徐欢, 韩漾, 曹中秋*, 张轲, 王艳, 辛士刚. 晶粒细化对Cu-20Co-20Ni块体合金在H2SO4溶液中腐蚀电化学行为的影响. 现代化工, 2022, 42(5): 138-143.

8. 刘嘉欣, 周子力, 曹中秋*, 张轲, 王艳, 辛士刚. Cu-50Co块体合金在NaCl溶液中的腐蚀性能研究. 稀有金属, 2020, 44(2): 127-138.

9. 崔田路, 曹中秋*, 贾中秋, 于佳蕊, 徐欢, 张轲, 王艳. 块体纳米晶Fe-50Cu合金在H2SO4溶液中的电化学腐蚀行为. 材料导报, 2020, 34(20): 20096-20102.

10. 曹中秋*, 孙玥,贾中秋,纳米晶块体 Fe-60Ni-15Cr 合金的高温氧化行为. 中国有色金属学报, 2015, 25(10): 2790-2797.
